E-commerce Packaging and sustainability

Training, awareness and competence, pillars for the development of people and company performance.

E-commerce Packaging and sustainability

Development of packaging system for on-line sales channel.


Training hours

Content sheet

LOL (Live on-line)

The course will develop
the competences and
skills necessary to:

Detecting new packaging trends in e-commerce.

Identify the environmental impact of e-commerce.

Knowing the strategies to mitigate the environmental impact of e-commerce.


E-commerce packaging:
1. Introduction to omnichannel.

2. Main challenges.
a. Briefing for packaging development.
b. E-commerce challenges.

3. Development and validation.
a. Trends.
b. Redesign of primary packaging.
c. The importance of secondary packaging.
d. Structural design of the cushioning element in 6 stages.
e. Validation, ISTA test.
f. Incident analysis.

4. E-commerce packaging and sustainability.
a. Reduction and adaptation of packaging material.
b. Re-use of packaging in e-commerce: Success stories.
c. Recyclable and renewable packaging.

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